Publication Date |
Title |
Source/Media |
03/01/2023 |
Education Media Report: Strategies for Parents of Incoming Grade One Students - 22-23 English Teaching: "Music X English" Learning English through Music, Experience the Vast "Metaverse" |
Education Media |
03/01/2023 |
03/01/2023 Parents Daily Report: Leading the Academic Field with High-Quality STEAM Education, Emphasizing Academic and Moral Development, Practicing Next-Generation Holistic Education. Parents Daily |
Parents Daily |
22/12/2022 |
Sing Tao Daily Report: High-Quality Diverse Teaching Equips Students for the Future |
Sing Tao |
10/11/2022 |
Sing Tao Daily "Parent King" Report: Training Preparatory Students for North District Primary Schools, Introducing Intelligent Robots and English Musical Theatre Courses |
Sing Tao |
30/10/2022 |
Sing Pao Report: Fung Kai Innovative Primary School Collaborates with Police Band to Sing the Theme Song "Guardian of Animals, Community |
Sing Pao |
08/09/2022 |
Hong Kong Economic Journal Report: Fung Kai Innovative Primary School Provides Children with Opportunities to "Dream." |
Hong Kong Economic Journal |
08/09/2022 |
21 Local Artists Collaborate with 30 Schools to Host NFTx Campus Mural Creation. |
Sing Tao |
08/09/2022 |
21 Local Artists Collaborate with 30 Schools to Host NFTx Campus Mural Creation. |
Bastille Post |
08/09/2022 |
21 Local Artists Collaborate with 30 Schools to Host NFTx Campus Mural Creation |
Headline Daily |
11/08/2022 |
11/08/2022 Computational Thinking Education | Jockey Club Computational Thinking Education - Winners of the 2022 Hong Kong Computational Thinking Competition for Primary Students, Diverse Works Solving Life Problems. Ohpama |
Oh!pama |
18/07/2022 |
18/07/2022 [STEM Education] Hong Kong Computational Thinking Competition for Primary Students - Fung KaiInnovative Primary School Invents "Safe Grip" Disinfection Handle and Wins Championship. TOPick |
TOPick |
19/07/2022 |
19/07/2022 Hong Kong Computational Thinking Competition for Primary Students - Disinfection Handle Device, Motion-Sensing Game Wins Championship. HK01 |
HK01 |
18/07/2022 |
"Jockey Club Computational Thinking Education" "Winners of the 2022 Hong Kong Computational Thinking Competition for Primary Students" Announced |
Lifenews HK
17/07/2022 |
"Jockey Club Computational Thinking Education" Announced."Winners of the 2022 Hong Kong Computational Thinking Competition for Primary Students" |
18/07/2022 |
18/07/2022 Results of the 2022 Computational Thinking Competition Announced - "Motion-Sensing Game," "Handle Disinfection System" Win Championship. PCM |
13/12/2021 |
"Jockey Club Campus Mindfulness Program" Principal's Sharing. | |
03/12/2021 |
Police Launch Community Mobile Classroom to Promote Animal Care Awareness. |
03/12/2021 |
Police Act as Animal Care Ambassadors, Organize Mobile Classroom to Promote Love |
HK01 |
03/12/2021 |
Victoria Harbour Association | Police Visit Primary Schools with "Community Mobile Classroom" to Spread Animal Care Messages. |
Sing Tao |
03/12/2021 |
Police Set Up Mobile Vehicle to Promote Animal Care, Officer Sits in the Car and Interacts with Students. |
Ming Pao |
02/08/2021 |
Primary School Converts Pond to House 20 Turtles, Principal Feeds Them for 7 Years. |
Oriental Daily |
19/01/2021 |
Elementary School Admission Strategy 2021/2022: English Teaching Section School Interview. |
Education Media |
26/09/2020 |
School in North District Arranges Synchronous Online Broadcasting for Cross-Border Students. |
News Now |
16/04/2020 |
16/04/2020 [Principal Interview] Fung Kai Innovative Primary School's E-Learning, Students Maintain Self-Learning During the Epidemic. Parenting Headline |
Parent-Child Headline |
06/12/2019 |
06/12/2019 Received the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence six times. MingPao |
Ming Pao |
14/07/2019 |
Food Waste Collection Starts with 35 Housing Estates. |
Ta Kung Pao |
10/2018 |
Building a Smart City Life for the STEM Generation - Smart Food Box |
Primary STEAM Project Exhibition |
5/09/2018 |
5/09/2018 [Green Your Month] Health is More Important than Grades! Fung Kai Innovative Primary School's Lunch Focuses on "Nutrition" and "Vegetarianism," Helping Students Start off with Healthy Habits! Buddhistdoor |
Buddhistdoor |
2/11/2017 |
True. Innovative School |
Buddhist Compassion |
5/11/2016 |
5/11/2016 "Take Action" Day on November 5th, Barefoot Walk to Reduce Carbon Footprint. Sing Pao |
Sing Pao |
11/5/2016 |
It's that Simple! Being Caring and Thoughtful. |
Sing Tao |
2016 |
Promoting Information Technology Education to Foster Holistic Development of Body, Mind, and Spirit. |
- |
2016 |
E-Learning Breakthroughs |
Hong Kong Education City |
8/4/2016 |
11th Primary School Chinese and English Essay Competition |
MIng Po |
6/4/2016 |
Turtle Home |
Radio Television Hong Kong |
12/2014 |
Encouraging Self-Improvement and Gradual Enhancement of Abilities. |
MIng Po |
8/2014 |
8/2014 Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence 2013/14 Teaching Excellence "Thought" Special Issue. HK TVB Jade |
HK TVB Jade |
30/9/2014 |
30/9/2014 Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence 2013-2014. MingPao |
MIng Po |
7/8/2014 |
Sing Tao Parent King: Hot Topics for Parents |
SingTao |
25/7/2014 |
25/7/2014 Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence 2013-2014 Special Issue. SingTao |
SingTao |
11/7/2014 |
11/7/2014 Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence 2013/2014. SingTao |
SingTao |
6/2014 |
2013 HSBC Junior Police Call Incentive Scheme. |
Junior Police Call |
25/5/2014 |
Received the Best Junior Police Call Primary School Association Award. |
成 報 |
24/5/2014 |
少年警訊成員和屬會獲嘉許 |
新聞公報 |
08/5/2014 |
龜龜搬家 (影片) |
壹週刊 |
21/2/2014 |
教育局局長參觀小學電子教學 |
Ta Kung Pao/星島/Ming Pao/太陽報 |
2013 |
卓越教室﹕一切從零開始 |
香港電台 |
19/8/2013 |
2013年優秀教師選舉得獎名單 |
教聯會 |
3/5/2013 |
2012年香港環保卓越計劃 |
Ming Pao |
2013 |
讓學校的電子學習發展跨進一大步 |
Microsoft Hong Kong Limited |
11/3/2013 |
全港第8屆小學生中英文作文比賽 |
- |
19/12/2012 |
滙豐保險創意音符 |
Sing Tao |
10/9/2012 |
優秀教師選舉2012 |
Ming Pao |
2012 |
雲端創新教學法 |
Microsoft Hong Kong Limited |
25/6/2012 |
台南生態環保之旅 |
教聯報 |
1/10/2012 |
成功變身未來學校 |
今日校園 |
10/2012 |
全面提升教學素質,成功變身「未來學校」 |
Microsoft |
24/6/2012 |
第十屆香港綠色學校獎 |
香港綠色學校獎 |
9/2012 |
香港E-Learning先鋒 |
今日校園 |
24/6/2012 |
行政長官卓越教學獎2011/12 卓越教「思」特輯 |
無線電視翡翠台 |
6/2012 |
行政長官卓越教學獎頒獎典禮2011/12刊物 |
教育局 |
12/6/2012 |
行政長官卓越教學獎2011/12 |
Ming Pao特刊 |
19/6/2012 |
四度榮獲行政長官卓越教學獎 |
Ming Pao |
8/5/2012 |
鳳溪引電子教材 學生受用 |
蘋果日報 |
28/2/2012 |
第十二屆明日頒袖高峰論壇暨明日領袖獎 |
Ming Pao |
27/2/2012 |
回收方便又容易 齊齊動你做到 |
Ming Pao |
2011 |
電子教學卓越大獎2011刊物 |
- |
18/4/2011 |
有關推行本校電子課程的經驗分享 |
商業1台雷霆881(直播訪問) |
8/2/2012 |
校園減廢回收 |
文匯報 |
8/2/2012 |
校園減廢回收行動啟動 |
Ta Kung Pao |
12/2011 |
鳳溪創新小學致力推動環境教育 |
地球月刊 |
2011 |
第九屆香港綠色學校獎 |
- |
22/9/2011 |
行政長官卓越教學獎2010/2011 |
Ming Pao |
16/9/2011 |
鳳溪創新小學3度獲行政長官卓越教學獎 |
Sing Tao |
18/8/2011 |
電子教學快趣並重 |
親子王周刊 |
6/2011 |
2012-2013小一入學家長天書 |
星島家長天書 |
31/3/2011 |
學生為本 嶄新電子學習 |
Sing Pao |
31/3/2011 |
鳳溪創新小學出版電子課本 |
星島 |
04/1/2011 |
電子學習撥款 鳳溪創新獲516萬 |
Ming Pao |
1/2011 |
鳳溪創新小學專訪 |
親子綠洲 Vol1 |
15/12/2010 |
綠色聖誕學校做起 |
Ming Pao149期Smarties |
18/8/2010 |
IT教學 師生雙贏 |
Ming Pao |
8/2010 |
現代與你一起推行電子學習 |
現代教育出版社 |
8/2010 |
2011小一入學家長必讀小一入學指南 |
小牛社出版 |
14/7/2010 |
行政長官卓越教學獎2009/2010 |
Ming Pao |
9/7/2010 |
行政長官卓越教學獎2009/10 |
Ming Pao |
10/6/2010 |
數碼課堂﹕活教活學 |
壹週刊1057期 |
6/2010 |
電子學習真有趣 |
啟思教育通訊2010No2 |
6/2010 |
2011-2012小一入學家長天書 |
星島教育天書 |
6/2010 |
香港鳳溪創新課程淺析 |
澳門教師雜誌第二十九期 |
18/4/2010 |
校園低碳大行動學生低碳生活大賽 |
Sing Pao |