Category:Anti-slavery manuscripts in Boston Public Library
Anti-slavery collection[edit]In the late 1890’s, the family of William Lloyd Garrison, along with others closely involved in the anti-slavery movement, presented the Boston Public Library with a major gathering of correspondence, documents, and other original material relating to abolition. The major groups consist of the papers of William Lloyd Garrison, Maria Weston Chapman, Deborah Weston, Anne Warren Weston, Caroline Weston, Lucia Weston, Lydia Maria Child, Amos Augustus Phelps, John Bishop Estlin, and Samuel May, Jr. Other valuable resources are the account books of the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator; records of the American, Massachusetts, and New England Anti-Slavery Societies; scrapbooks concerning Anthony Burns and John Brown; and the files of Ziba B. Oakes, a slave broker of Charleston, South Carolina. The library also has extensive holdings of printed material relating to the anti-slavery movement. The libraries of William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Theodore Parker are here, all rich in relevant pamphlets and broadsides. For more information please contact: Rare Books & Manuscripts Department, McKim Building, 3rd Floor, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 These images were originally released on the official Flickr stream: |
Example detail of a mass circular supporting an anti-slavery petition to the State Legislature, 12 February 1838. For a transcription see the circular on Wikisource.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Media in category "Anti-slavery manuscripts in Boston Public Library"
The following 137 files are in this category, out of 137 total.
100 conventions) (manuscript (IA 100conventionsma00mays).pdf 616 × 770, 4 pages; 332 KB
16th National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, Philadelphia (manuscript) (IA 16thnationalanti00chap).pdf 827 × 1,270, 4 pages; 346 KB
Agents of Massachusetts Abolition Society, 1840-1841) (manuscript (IA agentsofmassachu00mass).pdf 618 × 662, 2 pages; 99 KB
Am(erican) colonization & Af(rican) ed(ucation) societies (manuscript) (IA americancoloniza00phel).pdf 800 × 991, 22 pages; 2.55 MB
American pocket book (manuscript) (IA americanpocketbo00phel).pdf 1,400 × 700, 2 pages; 357 KB
An anti-slavery chronology) (manuscript (IA anantislaverychr00mays).pdf 912 × 1,129, 32 pages; 1.56 MB
Annual Report (manuscript) (IA annualreportmanu00west).pdf 1,175 × 1,395, 4 pages; 204 KB
Anti slavery convention for New England (manuscript) (IA antislaveryconve00phel).pdf 575 × 912, 8 pages; 712 KB
Anti-slavery facts ~ 1855 (manuscript) (IA antislaveryfacts00mays).pdf 395 × 633, 4 pages; 183 KB
Anti-slavery lecture schedule) (manuscript (IA antislaverylectu00mays).pdf 300 × 500, 2 pages; 88 KB
Anti-Slavery Programme of Summer Meetings- 1855) (manuscript (IA antislaveryprogr00mays).pdf 406 × 500, 2 pages; 65 KB
Appropriation etc. of benev(olen)t associations for the year 1834 (manuscript) (IA appropriationetc00phel).pdf 591 × 927, 16 pages; 1.08 MB
A report of William Lloyd Garrison's speech) (manuscript (IA areportofwilliam00garr).pdf 618 × 783, 2 pages; 119 KB
A resolution) (manuscript (IA aresolutionmanus00unse).pdf 602 × 266, 2 pages; 47 KB
A sermon) (manuscript (IA asermonmanuscrip00mays).pdf 310 × 754, 10 pages; 414 KB
Bibliography) (manuscript (IA bibliographymanu00mays).pdf 447 × 658, 2 pages; 101 KB
Bibliography) (manuscript (IA bibliographymanu00mays 1).pdf 633 × 762, 4 pages; 343 KB
A card, (letter) To Mr. Francis Todd (manuscript) (IA cardlettertomrfr00garr).pdf 395 × 627, 4 pages; 236 KB
Case of Mary Smith (manuscript) (IA caseofmarysmithm00chap).pdf 1,218 × 1,500, 4 pages; 346 KB
Circular letter from the Unitarians of the west of England) (manuscript (IA circularletterfr00mays).pdf 366 × 562, 4 pages; 73 KB
Circular letter to) Dear Friend (manuscript (IA circularletterto00chap).pdf 1,200 × 1,889, 4 pages; 316 KB
Circular letter to) Dear Friend (manuscript (IA circularletterto00chap2).pdf 1,837 × 2,191, 4 pages; 787 KB
Circular letter to) Dear Friend (manuscript (IA circularletterto00chap3).pdf 1,837 × 2,189, 4 pages; 693 KB
Circular letter to) Dear Sir (manuscript (IA circularletterto00phel).pdf 629 × 1,027, 2 pages; 168 KB
Circular (with corrections to William Lloyd Garrison) (manuscript) (IA circularwithcorr00chap).pdf 1,243 × 1,550, 4 pages; 282 KB
Constitution of the ... Anti-Slavery Society (manuscript) (IA constitutionofan00mass).pdf 264 × 468, 12 pages; 312 KB
Constitution of the Leicester Anti-Slavery Association) (manuscript (IA constitutionofle00leic).pdf 858 × 1,379, 2 pages; 214 KB
Constitution of the Worcester Anti-Slavery Society (manuscript) (IA constitutionofwo00unse).pdf 391 × 616, 2 pages; 56 KB
Continuation of letter to Dear Brother Phelps, and also Br. St. Clair) (manuscript (IA continuationofle00putn).pdf 968 × 1,202, 4 pages; 662 KB
Contribution envelope) (manuscript (IA contributionenve00bige).pdf 279 × 168, 2 pages; 23 KB
Convention in behalf of Bible Missions (manuscript) (IA conventioninbeha00stow).pdf 1,304 × 1,027, 4 pages; 689 KB
Copy of an article from The Boston Christian World) (manuscript (IA copyofarticlefro00mays).pdf 877 × 1,433, 4 pages; 552 KB
Copy of certificate) (manuscript (IA copyofcertificat00mays).pdf 393 × 631, 2 pages; 93 KB
Copy of contract) (manuscript (IA copyofcontractma00garr).pdf 618 × 768, 4 pages; 341 KB
Copy of the draft of the reply to the Irish address) (manuscript (IA copyofdraftofrep00mays).pdf 614 × 779, 4 pages; 316 KB
Copy of a etter to) Dear sir (manuscript (IA copyofettertodea00mays).pdf 410 × 618, 4 pages; 158 KB
Copy of a financial account) (manuscript (IA copyoffinanciala00mays).pdf 737 × 593, 2 pages; 180 KB
Copy of a letter by James Martineau to William James) (manuscript (IA copyofletterbyja00mays).pdf 625 × 406, 6 pages; 246 KB
Copy of letter to) Bro. Bradford (manuscript (IA copyoflettertobr00phel).pdf 608 × 764, 2 pages; 112 KB
Copy of letter to) Brother Newll (manuscript (IA copyoflettertobr00phel 0).pdf 604 × 768, 2 pages; 103 KB
Copy of letter to) Dear Madam (manuscript (IA copyoflettertode00bost).pdf 1,200 × 975, 4 pages; 517 KB
Copy of letter to) Dear Sir (manuscript (IA copyoflettertode00bowd).pdf 572 × 910, 2 pages; 91 KB
Copy of letter to) Dear Brother Emery (manuscript (IA copyoflettertode00emer).pdf 610 × 779, 2 pages; 157 KB
Copy of letter to) Dear Friends (manuscript (IA copyoflettertode00garr).pdf 987 × 1,550, 4 pages; 145 KB
Copy of letter to) Dear Mrs. Chapman (manuscript (IA copyoflettertode00garr10).pdf 1,506 × 1,887, 4 pages; 355 KB
From A.E. Mann to Deborah Weston; Tuesday, December 29, 1840 p5.jpg 1,500 × 921; 240 KB
From A.E. Mann to Deborah Weston; Tuesday, December 29, 1840 p6.jpg 1,285 × 1,500; 268 KB
From Henry Grafton Chapman to Isaac Knapp; Monday, September 11, 1837 p1.jpg 1,500 × 613; 175 KB
From Henry Grafton Chapman to Isaac Knapp; Monday, September 11, 1837 p2.jpg 1,500 × 611; 166 KB
From Isaac Knapp to Henry Grafton Chapman; Wednesday, November 22, 1837 p1.jpg 1,500 × 728; 228 KB
From Isaac Knapp to Henry Grafton Chapman; Wednesday, November 22, 1837 p2.jpg 1,500 × 724; 177 KB
From M. Weston to Deborah Weston; Sunday, June 24, 1838 p1.jpg 1,500 × 1,079; 369 KB
From M. Weston to Deborah Weston; Sunday, June 24, 1838 p2.jpg 1,500 × 1,084; 354 KB
From Maria Weston Chapman to Deborah Weston; 185?-03-26? p1.jpg 1,199 × 1,500; 500 KB
From Maria Weston Chapman to Deborah Weston; 185?-03-26? p2.jpg 1,192 × 1,500; 479 KB
From Mary Gray Chapman to Maria Weston Chapman; ca. 1830 p1.jpg 1,200 × 1,197; 364 KB
From Mary Gray Chapman to Maria Weston Chapman; ca. 1830 p2.jpg 1,200 × 1,195; 292 KB
From Mr. D. Mack to unknown recipient; ca. 1830 p1.jpg 1,500 × 906; 201 KB
From Mr. D. Mack to unknown recipient; ca. 1830 p2.jpg 1,500 × 901; 201 KB
From R. W. Weston to unknown recipient; 1838 p1.jpg 1,500 × 974; 217 KB
From R. W. Weston to unknown recipient; 1838 p2.jpg 1,500 × 971; 233 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; 1860? p1.jpg 968 × 1,500; 258 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; 1860? p2.jpg 969 × 1,500; 267 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; 1860? p3.jpg 932 × 1,500; 255 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; 1860? p4.jpg 942 × 1,500; 178 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; ca. Wednesday, October 31, 1855 p1.jpg 978 × 1,500; 231 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; ca. Wednesday, October 31, 1855 p2.jpg 964 × 1,500; 257 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; ca. Wednesday, October 31, 1855 p3.jpg 938 × 1,500; 207 KB
From S.M.W. to Deborah Weston; ca. Wednesday, October 31, 1855 p4.jpg 933 × 1,500; 174 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p1.jpg 1,017 × 1,500; 325 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p2.jpg 1,016 × 1,500; 329 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p3.jpg 995 × 1,500; 303 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p4.jpg 1,026 × 1,500; 297 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p5.jpg 994 × 1,500; 327 KB
From Samuel May to Anne Warren Weston; ca. Wednesday, February 2, 1853 p6.jpg 994 × 1,500; 324 KB
From Sarah Moore Grimk to Misses Weston; Sunday, May 6, 1860? p1.jpg 1,013 × 1,500; 420 KB
From Sarah Moore Grimk to Misses Weston; Sunday, May 6, 1860? p2.jpg 975 × 1,500; 402 KB
From Sarah Moore Grimk to Misses Weston; Sunday, May 6, 1860? p3.jpg 954 × 1,500; 400 KB
From Sarah Moore Grimk to Misses Weston; Sunday, May 6, 1860? p4.jpg 981 × 1,500; 322 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1831? p1.jpg 1,244 × 1,500; 468 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1831? p2.jpg 1,232 × 1,500; 495 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1831? p3.jpg 1,218 × 1,500; 321 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1831? p4.jpg 1,220 × 1,500; 258 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1835? p1.jpg 1,240 × 1,500; 510 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1835? p2.jpg 1,241 × 1,500; 518 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1835? p3.jpg 1,228 × 1,500; 382 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; 1835? p4.jpg 1,206 × 1,500; 250 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; Tuesday, May 3, 1836? p1.jpg 1,252 × 1,500; 476 KB
From Sylvia Ann Ammidon to Deborah Weston; Tuesday, May 3, 1836? p2.jpg 1,256 × 1,500; 311 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1837? p1.jpg 1,285 × 1,500; 510 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1837? p2.jpg 1,277 × 1,500; 526 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1837? p3.jpg 1,278 × 1,500; 566 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1837? p4.jpg 1,273 × 1,500; 425 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1850? p5.jpg 1,500 × 1,281; 294 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; 1850? p6.jpg 1,500 × 1,289; 312 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p1 2.jpg 1,500 × 671; 192 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p1 3.jpg 1,456 × 1,500; 409 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p1 4.jpg 1,037 × 1,500; 229 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p1 5.jpg 1,386 × 1,500; 289 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p1.jpg 946 × 1,500; 282 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p2 2.jpg 1,500 × 673; 171 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p2 3.jpg 1,446 × 1,500; 285 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p2 4.jpg 1,036 × 1,500; 172 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p2 5.jpg 1,401 × 1,500; 267 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; ca. 1830 p2.jpg 950 × 1,500; 224 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; Friday, July 1, 1836? p1.jpg 1,204 × 1,500; 459 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; Friday, July 1, 1836? p2.jpg 1,206 × 1,500; 456 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; Friday, July 1, 1836? p3.jpg 1,187 × 1,500; 513 KB
From unknown creator to Deborah Weston; Friday, July 1, 1836? p4.jpg 1,185 × 1,500; 404 KB
From unknown creator to Warren Weston; 1850? p1.jpg 987 × 1,500; 353 KB
From unknown creator to Warren Weston; 1850? p2.jpg 987 × 1,500; 297 KB
From unknown creator to Warren Weston; 1850? p3.jpg 929 × 1,500; 305 KB
From unknown creator to Warren Weston; 1850? p4.jpg 947 × 1,500; 314 KB
From William Lloyd Garrison to unknown recipient; ca. 1830 p3.jpg 1,014 × 1,500; 295 KB
From William Lloyd Garrison to unknown recipient; ca. 1830 p4.jpg 1,011 × 1,500; 286 KB