Category:Photos by AfghanistanMatters
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JFC Brunssum, a NATO headquarters responsible for oversight of the International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan, is sponsoring a photo contest on "Why Afghanistan Matters" and has published the photographs in their official Flickrstream on a CC-BY licence, allowing for free public reuse.
Media in category "Photos by AfghanistanMatters"
The following 184 files are in this category, out of 184 total.
A Man and his Bomb Dog (4478932186).jpg 1,024 × 680; 299 KB
A View of Beauty (4369480039).jpg 1,024 × 681; 268 KB
Afghan Air Power (4423773113).jpg 1,024 × 576; 324 KB
Afghan Dawn (4423773381).jpg 1,024 × 683; 278 KB
Afghan Hello (4387631218).jpg 1,024 × 685; 315 KB
Afghan Village (4478386411).jpg 1,024 × 437; 324 KB
Afghanistan Women (4370252010).jpg 500 × 374; 191 KB
All in a Days Work (4496679010).jpg 768 × 1,024; 826 KB
ANSF Training (4406054336).jpg 1,024 × 768; 585 KB
Answering the Tough Questions (4478933084).jpg 1,024 × 680; 245 KB
Army Training (4400997972).jpg 1,024 × 681; 505 KB
Art students of Kabul in 2009.jpg 935 × 623; 204 KB
Assisting the ANP (4497155818).jpg 1,024 × 685; 448 KB
At the End of the Day (4458849589).jpg 793 × 1,024; 228 KB
Baggage Handlers (4329975024).jpg 1,024 × 681; 313 KB
Baking Bread (4310722083).jpg 1,024 × 680; 446 KB
Barefoot Observer (4329975132).jpg 681 × 1,024; 426 KB
Beauty Upon Beauty (4496041785).jpg 1,024 × 513; 492 KB
Because they are our future too (4478958794).jpg 1,024 × 851; 535 KB
Because Were Not So Different After All (4496678746).jpg 1,024 × 839; 513 KB
Bibi Mahro at Night (4422126378) (ps voy).jpg 1,024 × 407; 217 KB
Bibi Mahro at Night (4422126378) (ps).jpg 1,024 × 326; 193 KB
Bibi Mahro at Night (4422126378).jpg 1,024 × 680; 304 KB
Bibi Mahro at Night (ps).jpg 1,024 × 341; 199 KB
Blind Man (4406222662).jpg 768 × 1,024; 587 KB
Boots on the Ground (4478903204).jpg 1,024 × 681; 343 KB
Bored Girl (4311459006).jpg 1,024 × 666; 659 KB
Bread Man (4476746143).jpg 1,024 × 768; 403 KB
By the people for the people (4406054432).jpg 768 × 1,024; 536 KB
Calm During the Storm (4458849213).jpg 1,719 × 1,191; 1.82 MB
Chopan Kebab (4310721741).jpg 1,024 × 680; 347 KB
Cigarette Break in the Green Zone (4406054918).jpg 768 × 1,024; 474 KB
Cold Country (4311496904).jpg 1,024 × 680; 495 KB
Collecting Water (4324679815).jpg 1,024 × 680; 382 KB
Colorful Terrain (4476678115).jpg 1,024 × 681; 499 KB
Construction Workers (4405458015).jpg 1,024 × 768; 586 KB
Cosmic Landscape (4369479833).jpg 500 × 375; 164 KB
Crew Chief (4478305237).jpg 1,024 × 884; 480 KB
Curious (4496677430).jpg 1,024 × 685; 391 KB
Dolls (4387653538).jpg 500 × 375; 128 KB
Drawing Water (4496676004).jpg 1,024 × 762; 704 KB
Elders (4311459862).jpg 1,024 × 680; 648 KB
Elders (4496677812).jpg 1,024 × 685; 367 KB
Escort Mission (4496519267).jpg 1,024 × 646; 253 KB
Female Soldier - Thats Great! (4369583989).jpg 500 × 375; 152 KB
Four Girls (4406222532).jpg 761 × 1,024; 530 KB
Four-Legged Transportation (4496039415).jpg 1,024 × 678; 445 KB
Front of the School (4497155060).jpg 680 × 1,024; 417 KB
Gentle "Cow" Hills (4456958920).jpg 1,024 × 436; 231 KB
Ghor Valley (4324694935).jpg 1,024 × 768; 732 KB
Girl (4496040657).jpg 886 × 1,024; 533 KB
Girl on a Hilltop (4405458147).jpg 1,024 × 768; 648 KB
Gods Canvas (4459621756).jpg 1,024 × 768; 287 KB
Going Home (4325416704).jpg 1,024 × 680; 281 KB
Grow Up in Peace (4426628545).jpg 989 × 1,024; 540 KB
Guarding the Vehicles (4405329909).jpg 1,024 × 681; 437 KB
Gunners View (4477451712).jpg 681 × 1,024; 300 KB
Gunnery Training (4497043542).jpg 1,024 × 732; 433 KB
Hamming it Up (4496676700).jpg 917 × 1,024; 626 KB
Hand Signals (4496676874).jpg 1,024 × 667; 529 KB
Heading Home (4406054548).jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 1.58 MB
Heading Home (4476747439).jpg 1,024 × 454; 259 KB
Helping Hand (4310749879).jpg 1,024 × 918; 842 KB
Henna Hands (4496675802).jpg 1,024 × 619; 398 KB
Hope Dies Last (4370252412).jpg 1,024 × 529; 350 KB
Hot Chai (4311458664).jpg 1,024 × 680; 515 KB
Hungry (4496677568).jpg 1,024 × 678; 411 KB
I Will Never Desert! (4370322176).jpg 500 × 374; 187 KB
In the Doorway (4478902772).jpg 681 × 1,024; 434 KB
Innocence (4477524046).jpg 1,024 × 768; 392 KB
Istalif (4400991132).jpg 1,024 × 681; 416 KB
Its Not All Black and White (4458865049).jpg 733 × 1,024; 214 KB
Juggler (4496406251).jpg 1,024 × 746; 601 KB
Kabul Cityscape (4456180857).jpg 1,024 × 342; 369 KB
Kabul Girl (4400216715).jpg 1,024 × 681; 333 KB
Kabul traffic.jpg 670 × 655; 175 KB
Keeping an Eye Out (4421362305).jpg 1,024 × 768; 372 KB
Kite Launch (4370252086).jpg 668 × 1,024; 346 KB
Kite Runners Wait (4369503475).jpg 1,024 × 668; 422 KB
Kunduz River valley.jpg 1,600 × 1,067; 1.38 MB
Lake of Serenity (4421361287).jpg 1,024 × 768; 366 KB
Landing Helicopters (4405329955).jpg 1,024 × 768; 167 KB
Lift Off (4458848949).jpg 1,024 × 768; 228 KB
Look Out (4458850473).jpg 1,024 × 768; 207 KB
Lost in the Forces (4476745223).jpg 1,024 × 680; 437 KB
Medic (4406094658).jpg 768 × 1,024; 421 KB
Medical Assistance (4406054670).jpg 768 × 1,024; 759 KB
Mixed Sock Kid (4458866199).jpg 1,024 × 635; 539 KB
Mountain and Sky (4423772939).jpg 1,024 × 196; 47 KB
Mountains Aflame (4456958844).jpg 500 × 333; 120 KB
Muddy Patrol (4478276611).jpg 680 × 1,024; 272 KB
Musa Qaleh (4456958806).jpg 500 × 299; 151 KB
My Flexible Friend (4459646012).jpg 768 × 1,024; 513 KB
Naghloo Reservoir (4400225393).jpg 1,024 × 681; 308 KB
Nan Bread (4310720455).jpg 1,024 × 680; 314 KB
Narrow Valley (4329975582).jpg 1,024 × 681; 379 KB
Near the Kabul River (4477526652).jpg 1,024 × 768; 430 KB
News in Old Kabul (4311488512).jpg 1,024 × 680; 341 KB
On Duty (4370332700).jpg 500 × 374; 168 KB
On the Move (4478931846).jpg 681 × 1,024; 461 KB
Once in a Future with a Bike (4370228794).jpg 1,024 × 378; 314 KB
One Day I Will Drive (4459646620).jpg 1,024 × 720; 625 KB
Onto the Battlefield (4478306299).jpg 1,024 × 680; 383 KB
Orchard in the Desert (4479011766).jpg 1,024 × 511; 333 KB
Orders prior to foot patrol (4406054836).jpg 1,024 × 768; 519 KB
Painting for Peace (4456181391).jpg 826 × 1,024; 467 KB
Pashtun Walking (4456181439).jpg 500 × 245; 132 KB
Passing Conversation (4477524312).jpg 879 × 1,024; 443 KB
Patrol Break (4406094730).jpg 1,024 × 768; 499 KB
Peek-a-Boo (4405458297).jpg 1,024 × 768; 847 KB
Perseverance (4370252330).jpg 667 × 1,024; 352 KB
Playground (4329975222).jpg 1,024 × 681; 261 KB
Police Coordination (4497155568).jpg 1,024 × 685; 447 KB
Pondering Kabul (4476748861).jpg 1,024 × 693; 560 KB
Portrait of a Young Boy (4400982390).jpg 1,024 × 681; 365 KB
Portrait of an Afghan Boy (4456181309).jpg 1,024 × 615; 301 KB
Portrait of an Afghan Soldier on Guard (4456959524).jpg 1,024 × 630; 330 KB
Pottery Merchant (4311459614).jpg 975 × 1,024; 610 KB
Pray for Peace (4459629788).jpg 1,024 × 768; 539 KB
Prayer Before Mission (4497043054).jpg 1,024 × 685; 658 KB
Preflight (4456181229).jpg 4,752 × 1,330; 1.2 MB
Proud Winners (4496675656).jpg 1,024 × 819; 532 KB
Public Servant (4400217521).jpg 1,024 × 681; 216 KB
Qalat Cop (4496519119).jpg 1,024 × 685; 311 KB
Qalat Valley (4478386263).jpg 1,024 × 649; 381 KB
Quite a View (4478933274).jpg 1,024 × 668; 500 KB
Rainy Season (4476680549).jpg 1,024 × 603; 229 KB
Ready for the Next Run (4477526218).jpg 680 × 1,024; 297 KB
Recruits (4400231469).jpg 1,024 × 681; 465 KB
Recruits II (4400231695).jpg 1,024 × 681; 382 KB
Reflections (4458849689).jpg 500 × 449; 148 KB
Relaxing Between Missions (4497043210).jpg 1,024 × 683; 432 KB
Resting (4496677908).jpg 1,024 × 685; 347 KB
Returning to Camp (4424537338).jpg 1,024 × 583; 311 KB
Rural Road (4400982876).jpg 1,024 × 682; 467 KB
Safe Kids are Happy Kids (4496677292).jpg 1,024 × 768; 504 KB
Salaam from Afghanistan! (4496041153).jpg 1,024 × 411; 428 KB
Salesman (4329241189).jpg 1,024 × 681; 483 KB
Salesman (4476738435).jpg 723 × 1,024; 295 KB
Scanning the Sky (4369503535).jpg 1,024 × 668; 361 KB
School Bells Ringing (4496040069).jpg 1,024 × 672; 421 KB
School Master (4459644890).jpg 768 × 1,024; 375 KB
School Visit (4478307119).jpg 1,024 × 768; 403 KB
Shared Vision for the Future (4292023736).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 5.95 MB
Sharing Gifts (4497043378).jpg 1,024 × 685; 463 KB
Shepherd (4400217305).jpg 1,024 × 683; 373 KB
Shopkeeper (4496676314).jpg 1,024 × 787; 588 KB
Sifting (4477525110).jpg 712 × 1,024; 398 KB
Snow in Black & White (4456958966).jpg 500 × 212; 87 KB
Speechless (4496041301).jpg 1,024 × 768; 785 KB
Storm (4329975350).jpg 1,024 × 681; 168 KB
Street Scene (4311459172).jpg 1,024 × 667; 616 KB
Sunset at the Airport (4324694575).jpg 1,024 × 768; 198 KB
Sunset over Helmand (4422127382).jpg 1,024 × 768; 246 KB
Tabla (4311458484).jpg 1,024 × 680; 355 KB
Talking about Peace (4369583925).jpg 1,024 × 681; 551 KB
Tandoor (4310722187).jpg 1,024 × 680; 265 KB
The Slopes of Bamyan (4477525516).jpg 1,024 × 680; 304 KB
Thirst Quenching (4477515868).jpg 1,024 × 680; 287 KB
Tired of the War (4400983538).jpg 813 × 1,024; 383 KB
Top Cover (4405330181).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 1.1 MB
Toy Demonstration (4496406481).jpg 1,024 × 685; 539 KB
Turnips (4477522344).jpg 1,024 × 834; 478 KB
Twinkle of Hope (4422128050).jpg 1,024 × 773; 519 KB
Ultimately the People Will Decide (4477522652).jpg 796 × 1,024; 331 KB
Uncertain Wave (4496041045).jpg 1,024 × 683; 377 KB
View of the Hindu Kush (4477455502).jpg 1,024 × 768; 505 KB
Village Elders (4406223234).jpg 1,024 × 768; 528 KB
Villagers (4424537500).jpg 1,024 × 576; 423 KB
Waiting for a Doctor (4325416992).jpg 828 × 1,024; 744 KB
Waiting for Transport (4369584303).jpg 1,024 × 532; 356 KB
Waiting in the Sun (4496040947).jpg 1,024 × 683; 275 KB
Warm Reception (4292024008).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.23 MB
Watching (4496676118).jpg 1,024 × 630; 335 KB
Welcome (4477521172).jpg 1,024 × 916; 418 KB
Welcome My Friend (4477519304).jpg 1,024 × 680; 427 KB
Well Do our Best (4369584169).jpg 1,024 × 467; 296 KB
What These Eyes Have Seen (4458865323).jpg 787 × 1,024; 620 KB
Whos Back There? (4478277157).jpg 1,024 × 680; 333 KB
Whos Left? (4477517850).jpg 1,024 × 680; 375 KB
Why? (4369503287).jpg 1,024 × 668; 369 KB
Women and Childrens Day (4478306981).jpg 1,024 × 768; 312 KB
Working the Grid (4476679371).jpg 1,024 × 681; 690 KB
Young Policeman (4458888363).jpg 1,024 × 592; 480 KB