Komūnas: Sveiki atvykę

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Welcome and the translation is 22% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Welcome and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Kas yra Vikiteka?

Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language. It acts as a common repository for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, but you do not need to belong to one of those projects to use media hosted here. The repository is created and maintained not by paid archivists, but by volunteers. The scope of Commons is set out on the project scope pages.

Wikimedia Commons naudoja tą pačią wiki-technologiją kaip ir Vikipedija ir visi gali ją redaguoti. Skirtingai nuo medijos failų, įkeltų į kitus projektus, į „Wikimedia Commons“ įkeltus failus galima įterpti į visų Wikimedia projektų puslapius ir nereikia jų ten atskirai įkelti.

Paleista 2004 m. rugsėjo 7 d., Wikimedia Commons pasiekė 1 000 000 įkeltų medijos failų etapą 2006 m. lapkričio 30 d. ir šiuo metu yra 113 955 738 failų. Daugiau bendros informacijos apie patį Wikimedia Commons projektą rasite General Dislaimer, Wikipedia puslapyje apie Wikimedia Commons ir jos puslapis Meta-wiki.

Unlike traditional media repositories, Wikimedia Commons is free. Everyone is allowed to copy, use and modify any files here freely as long as they follow the terms specified by the author; this often means crediting the source and author(s) appropriately and releasing copies/improvements under the same freedom to others. The license conditions of each individual media file can be found on their description page. The Wikimedia Commons database itself and the texts in it are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. More information on re-use can be found at Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia and Commons:First steps/Reuse.


„Wikimedia Commons“ galite labiausiai patobulinti, jei prisidedate prie to, ką galite padaryti geriausiai:

Prisidėkite prie savo darbo

Jei esate geras fotografas, nedvejodami prisidėkite savo vertingais vaizdais. Jei esate geras dizaineris, pažiūrėkite, kurios diagramos ir animacijos yra labai reikalingi.

Contribute your skills

However you do not need to upload your own files. There is plenty of other very important work to do:

Contribute your time

You even do not need to be an artist or good at writing help texts. If you feel at home with creating order from chaos, then we could use your helping hand!



In order to be able to upload files on Wikimedia Commons, you need to be logged in. You can register at the "Log in / create account" link in the upper right corner and enter a user name that will be used at all of your uploads/edits on images and texts. However if you just want to edit pages you don't need to be logged in (although it is encouraged). If you have taken advantage of unified login, then you are already signed up at Commons.

First steps tutorial

Our first steps help file and our FAQ will help you a lot after registration. They explain how to customize the interface (for example the language), how to upload files and our basic licensing policy. You don't need technical skills in order to contribute here. Be bold contributing here and assume good faith for the intentions of others. This is a wiki—it is really easy.

More information is available at the Community Portal. You may ask questions at the Village Pump or on IRC channel #wikimedia-commons webchat.

Files on Wikimedia Commons are organized in categories and galleries. An overview of the categories we use is available on the Main Page.

Put Babel boxes on your user page so others know what languages you can speak and indicate your graphic abilities. All your uploads are stored in your personal gallery. Please sign your name on Talk pages by typing ~~~~. If you're copying files from another project, be sure to use the FileImporter.

Additional services and software

If you want to upload large numbers of images, there are many upload tools that can be used, like for example VicuñaUploader. If you need specific information on tools for viewing or editing our content please see the software page and tools page.

We hope that you will enjoy it here and that you will have fun.